Today Omair Sarwar successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Facial Privacy Protection in Airborne Recreational Videography”. Omair participated in our Erasmus Mundus Doctoral School on Interactive and Cognitive Environements and was co-supervised by Andrea Cavallaro from Queen Mary University of London. The defense committee was composed by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner (chair), Prof. Ildar Farkhatdinov (Queen Mary University of London) and Prof. Wilfried Elmenreich. Completing a PhD represents a major achievement and marks an important milestone in a professional career. So, congratulations to our most recent PhD graduate!

Omair’s defense was also special for his supervisor Bernhard Rinner. “Omair was my twentieth PhD graduate whom I supervised so far as primary advisor”, he proudly explains. His first PhD student graduated in 2003, and the dissertations covered topics ranging from smart cameras and sensor networks over multi-UAV systems to security and privacy. “I was fortunate to collaborate with outstanding students, and we were able to contribute to various fields. However, a simple analysis of the PhD titles identifies “Distributed Smart Embedded Networks” as a cluster topic. What a nice fit with our institute!”, Bernhard Rinner concludes.