Digitization and sustainability: strategic visions for sustainable development

Digitization and sustainability are in the spotlight in both science and politics. Exploring the connections and areas of tension between digitization and sustainability makes it possible to identify new challenges and prospects of sustainable development. The thematic link between digitization and sustainability affects an essential area of our lives and our society. This concerns not only technological aspects but also social innovations and reforms of institutions. Moreover, these changes have an impact on our way of life. The case is urgent: ensuring our planet’s survivability and laying the foundations for a fulfilling life in freedom, security, and justice.

I found the variety of perspectives from people with different academic backgrounds in our discussions quite valuable. The seminar’s setting created opportunities for both intellectual engagement and moments of relaxation.

Seminar participant

As part of an interdisciplinary seminar at the University of Klagenfurt on “Digitization and Sustainability: Strategic Visions for Sustainable Development,” students researched topics that relate to sustainability and digitization. Finally, participants delved deeper into matters at the intersection of science, technology, and society during a three-day retreat in the picturesque Drau Valley in Carinthia. This was made possible by generous support from the Privatstiftung Kärntner Sparkasse, which enabled advanced students from different disciplines to participate in this productive and exciting event. The results of this work are to be published in a joint book after revision.

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